How to Setup Password in a PLC Program?

Setup password in PLC program
Setup password in PLC program

How to Setup password in a PLC program easy way? Version 3.00 or updated, this subject applies to all non-Ethernet PLCs as it were. The CLICK PLC secret key security highlight is planned to assist with limiting the gamble of the unapproved program or potentially information changes. When you enter a secret key you can Lock the predetermined memory regions in the PLC against unapproved access. When the CPU is locked you should enter the secret word before you can utilize the programming to change indicated boundaries.

Setup Password in a PLC program

Open the Password Setup exchange from the Setup Menu. This exchange is planned to assist with forestalling the incidental formation of a Password. See the significant Warning beneath.

Protect PLC Program

A Use Password Protection: Click the Use Password Protection checkbox if you have any desire to make a Password to limit PLC access. At the point when this checkbox is chosen, the turned gray-out checkboxes and Password field will be available.

Set password in PLC program

The Password Setup exchange gives a valuable chance to impede access specifically to the various areas of CPU memory. PLC Password Unlock Service. Utilize the checkboxes to choose the memory regions you need to safeguard with a secret phrase, then, at that point, pick and record your secret word.

Protect PLC Program by Password

1 Read Project from PLC: Checking this container keeps perusing the undertaking from the PLC.

2 Write Project into PLC: Checking this case forestalls composing an undertaking to the PLC.

3 Read Data Memory from PLC: Checking this crate keeps perusing the Data Memory from the PLC.

4 Write Data Memory into PLC: Checking this crate forestalls composing Data Memory to the PLC. See 5 beneath for admittance to just change the date and time.

5 Change date and time in PLC: The choice adjusts choice 4 above. Checking this choice permits admittance to change the date and time without admittance to different information boundaries.

6 Read System Configuration from PLC: Checking this case keeps perusing the framework arrangement from the PLC.

7 Read mistake message from PLC: Checking this container forestalls perusing blunder messages from the PLC.

8 Enter Password: Select an 8-digit alphanumeric secret key. At the point when the CLICK PLCs are delivered from the production line, the secret key is clear. In the event that you have recently made a secret key, you can eliminate the secret phrase security by opening this discourse and erasing the secret word. You should likewise click OK to save the change. The CLICK PLC doesn’t peruse 00000000 (every one of the zeros) as clear.

9 Record in the event that somebody attempts to enter the secret phrase: Check this choice to keep a record of the latest 16 endeavors to get to the PLC by entering a secret key.

10 Check the Record: Click the Check the Record button to see a rundown of the latest 16 endeavors to get to the PLC by entering a secret word. At the point when chosen, the window displayed underneath opens, and the vacant fields will show information giving the Date, Time, and Password entered/endeavored.

PLC program password